Starting your Sadhana

If you’re feeling ready to dive in and cultivate your spiritual and magickal ritual practices on your own, more power to you! Enjoy my free e-journal Starting your sadhana (daily spiritual practices) as a jumping off point 🚀✨

If you’d like more support in a community where you feel safe, seen, accepted and held as well as can be as spiritual, magickal and weird (I LOVE unique people – each one of us is a precious original) – consider joining Magickal Community for $88

You get lifetime access where you will receive monthly magickal rituals to try and can ask questions, share your growth and experiences, be vulnerable, sparkle authentically, and meet other fabulous people (like the incredible person you are).

We have monthly group Zoom calls where we can practice, share, celebrate, be witchy and weird as well as hold sacred space for one another 🌈✨

And that’s just one payment of $88 (not monthly or any other frequency) You benefit from being an inaugural community member and we get to vibe and do magick together – yay!


With reverence, I honor the stolen Indigenous homelands of the O’Odham and Piipaash peoples and their ancestors, who have inhabited this landscape from time immemorial to present day. I support the Land Back movement. Yoga calls for the liberation of all beings and recognizes the power in Indigenous teachings and medicine.

As we practice grounding and being nurtured by nature/Mother Earth through yoga, we extend our gratitude for the land and the Indigenous stewards who demonstrate how to live in loving reciprocity.