
Life feeling Chaotic?

Find your center with Alchemy

Want to channel your creativity and flow to accomplish tasks with confidence and authenticity?

Want to get better at arranging your time in alignment with your dreams and goals?

Curious about how to channel your neurodivergent super powers?

Want to live your fullest, most authentic and joyful life? 

We will nurture your strengths as we support and tend to the areas of growth you identify 

And if you’re not sure yet what you want help with yet, I am happy to help you figure that out as well

We will cultivate an inner dialogue of compassion as we develop your skills and toolbox of supportive strategies

I offer a unique approach that’s tailored just for you. You get to choose from a variety of creative solutions and options within your budget

This feels like the right fit because I am

  • Offering a tailored approach to you
  • Committed to decolonization
  • Trained in trauma sensitivity
  • Continually learning and unlearning
  • Holding courageous, sacred and safe(r) space
  • A present and compassionate listener
  • LGBTQIA 🌈 (I’m enby and pansexual)
  • Neurodiverse affirming 
  • Uplifting intersectional voices
  • A Spiritual Care Bear

Areas of support and expertise

🤓 Focus

✅ Task completion

⏲ Time management

😌 Nervous system soothing

🦻 Compassionate listening

🚀 Goal setting

🔢 Prioritization

🗓 Long term planning

🌠 Vision boards

🕒 Time blocking

🧿 Healthy boundaries

🗣 Communicating about and meeting deadlines

🌈 Cultivating structures that feel supportive and authentic 

🧖 Stress management

✨ Spiritual practices

🪄 Manifestation

🎬 Task initiation

🙆 Somatic techniques

🌊 Tapping into and channeling your unique creative flow

💬 Check ins and reminders

💡 Innovative solutions

🌬 Breathing techniques

Sliding Scale Pricing

As a queer coach/alchemist who is committed to decolonization and antiracism, I want to ensure that pricing models help dismantle systemic barriers that can limit someone from being able to engage in executive functioning coaching. These options are meant to invite you into taking an inventory of your financial resources, levels of privilege, and systemic barriers you may face.

I trust you to use your discernment to select the tier option that is the best fit for you. Offering sliding scale increases access, dismantles neoliberal capitalist expectations of accessing individualized care, and contributes to greater community care. As a client, you will not be challenged based on the rate you have chosen to pay, and I trust your ability to assess your circumstances and needs.

This is my way of investing in a world where every person gets to use their gifts and strengths to benefit the world, so that we can disentangle alchemy success from the effects of financial inequity.

To learn more about where I do my decolonization learning and unlearning including the language for sliding scale pricing check out Emily Anne Bryant’s incredible offerings 

Additionally, I am offering Equity Scholarship opportunities for those whom even the lowest tier price is truly prohibitive, but who demonstrate the qualities necessary to be a great fit for my alchemy work and support.

Individuals who are traditionally marginalized in mainstream society, that is: Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQIA, disabled, those living in countries with an unfavorable exchange rate, and/or in a language other than English, are especially encouraged to apply.

Fill out the Equity Scholarship application form

Every other week check ins Pricing
Weekly check ins Pricing
This is for you if:
  • You have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.
  • You have access to financial security, own property or rent high end, and have personal savings
  • You are able to pay for *wants* and never worry about necessities

By choosing this price, you are paying the full program value and contributing to a more equitable world by paying it forward

This is for you if:
  • You may be paying off debt or working to build savings, but you also have access to steady income
  • You are able to pay for *wants* without sacrificing necessities
  • Investing in this coaching may require short term trade-offs (like less dinners out, buying new clothing, or going on vacation) but will not harm you financially in the long term)
By choosing this price, you are paying for your access to this program and leaving the lowest tier option ($35/hour) for those who need it most

This is for you if:
  • You hold 1 or more marginalized identity (Black, Indigenous, Person of Color/Person of the Global Majority, LGBTQIA+, disabled)

  • You have access to basic needs such as food, housing, etc. though sometimes it may feel difficult

  • You can put some money aside to save, but investing at the mid tier ($50/hour) would require you to save up for more than 6-12 months

By choosing this price, you are letting your community support you and investing in yourself without sacrificing your basic needs


You need to commit for at least 3 months of coaching to receive these prices (you are welcome to commit for longer to lock in this pricing)

This is for you if:
  • You have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.
  • You have access to financial security, own property or rent high end, and have personal savings
  • You are able to pay for *wants* and never worry about necessities

By choosing this price, you are paying the full program value and contributing to a more equitable world by paying it forward

This is for you if:
  • You may be paying off debt or working to build savings, but you also have access to steady income
  • You are able to pay for *wants* without sacrificing necessities
  • Investing in this coaching may require short term trade-offs (like less dinners out, buying new clothing, or going on vacation) but will not harm you financially in the long term)
By choosing this price, you are paying for your access to this program and leaving the lowest tier option ($35/hour) for those who need it most

This is for you if:
  • You hold 1 or more marginalized identity (Black, Indigenous, Person of Color/Person of the Global Majority, LGBTQIA+, disabled)
  • You have access to basic needs such as food, housing, etc. though sometimes it may feel difficult
  • You can put some money aside to save, but investing at the mid tier ($50/hour) would require you to save up for more than 6-12 months
By choosing this price, you are letting your community support you and investing in yourself without sacrificing your basic needs

What people are saying

The executive functioning coaching that I have been receiving from Katrina for the last several months, has been life-changing. I have struggled for most of my life with executive dysfunction, due to ADHD, and I have spent most of my adult life struggling with trying to get simple tasks completed in a timely manner.

Thanks to Katrina ‘s help and gentle guiding, I have made quite a bit of progress in a very short amount of time. It has improved the quality of my life, because I’m not constantly worried that I’m missing or forgetting something important, not feeling nearly as disorganized, and feel like I have a better control over my own destiny. Each session leaves me feeling hopeful, and grateful for their presence in my life.

Read more…

They implement many different types of resources and ideas to help me stay focused, while being gentle and understanding with myself. The main difference that I now notice is that I am more confident in my daily activities & routine because I know I have the tools they have helped me use, to achieve my goals.
I highly recommend Katrina‘s services, as I feel, they have assisted me in developing a more efficient day to day practice. I thoroughly enjoy our one on one check ins, & look forward to talking with them weekly. They have tailored a plan that’s unique to me & that makes me feel heard & seen.
If you feel as if you would benefit from their services, I recommend that you do yourself a favor and reach out to Katrina for the best solutions for YOU. I am proud of the progress I have made with their professional, inclusive & understanding approach.

Jen M.

I’ve been working with Katrina for a little over a year to help me develop my executive functioning skills since being diagnosed as an adult with ADHD. I cannot possibly speak highly enough of how much Katrina has helped me—from my organization at work to my personal life, Katrina has helped me build habits that work for me and are sustainable for long term success.

They diligently listen to the problems I bring up, without judgement on how trivial or simple the issue might be. On more complex issues, Katrina delves in with unmatched dedication and competency. Looking back at my growth over the past year, in both my career and personal life, the stability of those successes would not have been possible without Katrina and their program.

Hayley C.

Now is a great time to start and prioritize you

Let’s Craft The Life Of Your Dreams — Together

In your free alchemy consultation, we will:
  • Answer any questions you have
  • Get to know one another
  • Make sure we are the right personality fit
  • Discuss your strengths and areas of targeted growth and support
  • Make a plan for the next steps

Alchemy FAQ

With reverence, I honor the stolen Indigenous homelands of the O’Odham and Piipaash peoples and their ancestors, who have inhabited this landscape from time immemorial to present day. I support the Land Back movement. Yoga calls for the liberation of all beings and recognizes the power in Indigenous teachings and medicine.

As we practice grounding and being nurtured by nature/Mother Earth through yoga, we extend our gratitude for the land and the Indigenous stewards who demonstrate how to live in loving reciprocity.