1:1 Presence Sessions

Immersive 1:1 healing experiences that intuitively blend yoga, breathwork, tarot, somatics, sound healing, magick rituals, and plant medicines tailored to your needs and intentions, so you can show up in your power with purpose and clarity


Come back into your body with space for the full spectrum of your experiences and emotions, spiritually tap in, and give the mind a break

From yoga asana (mindful movements) to breathwork (pranayama) to sound healing to somatic techniques to weird spiritual shit and authentic dancing

Each practice will be tailored to you and radically different based on what you’re needing in that moment

You’ll leave saying something like my client (and friend)Amanda, “That was weird as fuck and just what I needed. I feel so much better and ready to continue to prioritize slowing down and feeling present with my feelings and experiences.”

Available in person in the Melrose gayborhood in so-called Phoenix, AZ or right in your fave cozy space wherever you are in the world via Zoom

Book now and let's get weird


One-on-one sessions are perfect for deep dives into your spiritual practices and reclaiming your presonal power

Tap into the magick and power that is you

Everything you need is already within you

We’re going to tap you into your unique magick and medicine by slowing down and being present with ALL you are 

Don’t worry: you don’t have to know what your intention is (althought that’s always welcome) – I’ll tailor the class based on our intake conversation

All you need to bring is YOU – and be honest about how you’re feeling in that moment


For 1 one-on-one presence session

Book A Session

Bundle of 4 presence sessions
Save $222 (the cost of 1 session)

Book This Bundle

What to Expect

Plan for 2 hours each session

  • 15-30 minutes for an in-depth intake conversation with tea
  • 1 hour and 15 minutes for your tailored presence session
  • 5-15 minutes for closing, wrap up, and feedback
  • Plant medicines and tarot readings can be added on for an additional fee
  • This practice will be intuitively led based on your needs and intentions
  • We will have an intake converation each session to check in with your energy and intentions, so we can individualize your practice accordingly

Take your One-On-One Session Even Deeper with

Deep Self Connection


A thorough, nourishing, and expansive experience – see and love more of yourself 

Connect more deeply within to your emotional, spiritual, physical and mental landscapes

What's included: 

  • Tarot reading

  • Tailored one-on-one presence session

  • Self connection ritual

  • Intuitively selected and gifted plant medicine to take home 

Plan 3 hours for this beautiful offering 

Book Deep Self Connection


We will schedule an ideal time for this incredible offering after you purchase 


100% money back guarantee


With reverence, I honor the stolen Indigenous homelands of the O’Odham and Piipaash peoples and their ancestors, who have inhabited this landscape from time immemorial to present day. I support the Land Back movement. Yoga calls for the liberation of all beings and recognizes the power in Indigenous teachings and medicine.

As we practice grounding and being nurtured by nature/Mother Earth through yoga, we extend our gratitude for the land and the Indigenous stewards who demonstrate how to live in loving reciprocity.