8 min presence freebie

The perfect little spiritual amuse-bouche to try and see how a presence session would feel in your body for you in this moment

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One of my main business values is the power of a little bit

If you only have a few minutes, that is totally okay! 

I’d love for you to feel present with the full spectrum of your emotions and experiences  


I have the honor and pleasure of offering tools, practices, and rituals to support you in feeling present and fully in YOUR unique power 

The main way I do this is through a presence session (available as a one-on-one, couples, and community offerings). Presence sessions intuitively blend yoga, breathwork, tarot, coaching, somatics, sound healing, and magick (you are the magick and the medicine) to be tailored to your needs and intentions in each moment 


With reverence, I honor the stolen Indigenous homelands of the O’Odham and Piipaash peoples and their ancestors, who have inhabited this landscape from time immemorial to present day. I support the Land Back movement. Yoga calls for the liberation of all beings and recognizes the power in Indigenous teachings and medicine.

As we practice grounding and being nurtured by nature/Mother Earth through yoga, we extend our gratitude for the land and the Indigenous stewards who demonstrate how to live in loving reciprocity.